Home Services


Hydro One Limited is responsible for the delivery, administration and maintenance of electric utility in Terrace Bay.

For more information on rates and service, please visit: hydroone.com

To report a Hydro Outage, please contact Hydro One Networks at 1 (800) 434-1235


Terrace Bay does not have access to natural gas. Residential heating is done via heating oil, propane or electricity.

For more information on rates and services for heating, please visit:

Heating Oil:
Bluewave Energy

Morgan Fuels
Sarjeant Propane
Superior Propane

Hydro One


Municipal water bills are sent out quarterly — February, May, August and September. Payments are due on the last business day of the billing month—they can be done in person at the Community Centre Office, by mail, or electronically through most financial institutions. When making a payment online, you need to enter all sections of your account number (001 XXXXXX 000).

The monthly water rates, as per By-Law No. 2-2025 are as follows:

Single Family Residential (SFR) [Rate Code: 10]$74.10
Duplex, townhouses w/ 3 units [Rate Code: 12]$74.10/Unit
Townhouse w/ 4 units [Rate Code: 13]$74.10/Unit
Apartment unit in a SFR, Second Unit in a Detached
house, Semi-detached House or Row Houses, and
unit in Acillary Buildings [Rate Code: 14]
More than 2 unites of apartments [Rate Code: 15]$37.06/unit
1 storey [Rate Code: 20]$44.47
2 stories [Rate Code: 22]$88.93
3 stores [Rate Code: 23]$133.40

Small commercial, except those listed elsewhere. Rate is per usable floor level unless one tenant fits another category in which case higher rate applies.

Intermediate Industrial/Commercial
Institutional Users
"A" Small industrial, hair shops, barber shops,
grocery stores, restaurants, bars, laundromats,
garages and similar, golf course restaurant (no
fairway use) [Rate Code: 30]
Other Commercial [Rate Code: 32]$180.31
"B" Schools [Rate Code: 33]$741.03
"c" Motel Rates: Per Room [Rate Code: 35]$12.34
"c" Motel Rates: Restaurant [Rate Code: 35]$135.86
"c" Motel Rates: Bar [Rate Code: 35]$135.86
Specific Establishments - TotalPrice
16 rooms [Rate Code: 36]$197.61
21 rools, restaurant and bar [Rate Code: 37]$531.09
40 rooms, restaurant [Rate Code: 38]$629.85
Large UsersPrice
Hospital [Rate Code: 45]$2,470.14
Long-Term Care [Rate Code: 46]$2,470.14
Industrial Roll Number 5854 000 001 00401 0000
[Rate Code: 47]
Disconnect & Reconnect Fee$216.10
Disconnect & Reconnect |
Maintenance Only
Disconnected Buildings
& Vacant Lands | All Classes
1/3 monthly class rate

If you have any drinking water concerns, please contact the township at:

Rebecca Howes
Administration Assistant
Phone: 807-825-3315 x 7103
Send Email