Elementary & Secondary Schools
Early Childhood Centre
Your local Early Years Centre is a great place for you and your child/children to spend time. All of our activities encourage and enhance parent/child relationships, promote early learning and development and provide an opportunity for people to meet and socialize with other families. Our Centre offers the following programs and services:
- Morning Drop-In Programs
- Early Years Programming
- Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP)
- Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)
- Baby’s Day
- Early Literacy
- Programs to Promote the Health and Well-Being of Children and Families
Prenatal Parents are always welcome to visit us and participate in our programming. Please share this message with a friend who may be expecting and has yet to visit us.
Brass Bell Family Resource Centre
9 Selkirk Avenue, Terrace Bay Public School
Terrace Bay, Ontario | P0T 2W0
Phone: 807-825-1714
Email: educatorsch@brassbell.org
Website: brassbell.org/terracebay
Early Years Coordinator: Krysta Mineau
Lake Superior High School
We are a small school with a big heart. Lake Superior High School is a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility, and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable and accepted. We foster a positive school climate that supports academic achievement for all students from grades 9 to 12.
The school has many wonderful athletics programs such as cross country, volleyball, basketball, badminton, soccer, golf, as well as track and field. To further enhance student opportunities for extra curricular activities, Lake Superior High School offers a wide variety of clubs that include Social Innovators, Eco Club, Student Council and the Year Book Club. Students can also benefit from three Specialist High Skills Majors that include Health and Wellness, Environmental and Manufacturing.
Lake Superior High School
19 Hudson Drive | P.O. Box 548
Terrace Bay, Ontario | P0T 2W0
Phone: 807-825-3271
Fax: 807-825-3622
Principal | Directrice: Sara Curtis
L’école catholique Franco-Terrace
L’école catholique Franco-Terrace is a French Language School for children from JK through grade 8. Our students attain their full potential in a safe and stimulating environment. They build a strong sense of self-confidence and cultural identity by participating in many school-community projects.
L’école catholique Franco-Terrace est une école de langue française qui accueille les élèves de la maternelle à la 8e année. Nos élèves s’épanouissent dans un milieu stimulant et sécuritaire. Grâce aux activités éducatives et culturelles, votre enfant bâtira son estime de soi et son identité francophone.
L’école catholique Franco-Terrace
17 Cartier Drive | P.O. Box 728
Terrace Bay, Ontario | P0T 2W0
Phone: 807-825-9756
Fax: 807-825-9482
Principal | Directrice: Caroline Craik-Scott
St. Martin Catholic School
We are an elementary school from junior kindergarten to grade 8. The Mission of St. Martin’s School, as a family of learners dedicated to promoting quality Catholic education, is to ensure that each student develops as a whole person; intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically, through shared partnerships and the celebration of personal growth and achievement in a Christ-centered community. We provide education that celebrates knowledge, skills, faith and service.
St. Martin Catholic School
17 Cartier Drive | P.O. Box 459
Terrace Bay, Ontario | P0T 2W0
Phone: 807-825-3255
Fax: 807-825-2742
Principal: Lindsay Costa
Administrative Assistant: Sue Welbourne
Terrace Bay Public School
At Terrace Bay Public School, we believe every student can succeed. We are a public elementary school from junior kindergarten to grade 8. In partnership with the students, the home and the community, Superior Greenstone District School Board will address individual students’ needs by providing:
- a diverse education that prepares for and honours their chosen path of success
- avenues that foster a love of learning
- the means to honour varied learning styles
We also offer a variety of extracurricular activities including curling, snow shoeing, downhill skiing, and house league intramurals.
Terrace Bay Public School also operates a Hockey Canada Skills Academy Program. The students benefit from a complete program that includes education, on-ice skills, off-ice strength and conditioning, mental training along with personal and team development. The program operates from October – March each year.
Terrace Bay Public School
9 Selkirk Avenue | P.O. Box 429
Terrace Bay, Ontario | P0T 2W0
Phone: 807-825-3253
Fax: 807-825-9602
Principal: Amy Buchan
Adult Learning Centres
Contact North / Contact Nord –
Ontario’s Distance Education & Training Centre
Ontario’s Distance Education & Training Centre
Get your degree, diploma or certificate, or upgrade your skills with personalized support in your community! We can help you research and find information on 1,000 online programs and 18,000 online courses from Ontario’s 24 public colleges, 22 public universities and 250 literacy and basic skills and training providers.
We offer assistance with the application process to register at the college, university or training provider of your choice, as well as applications for financial aid. Our online learning centre staff is available to invigilate your exams. Our centre offers students access to computer workstations and high-speed Internet to complete their online courses.
Contact North / Contact Nord
9 Selkirk Avenue | Box 727
Terrace Bay, Ontario | P0T 2W0
Phone: 855-714-9160
Toll Free: 877-999-9149
Fax: 807-825-9316
Website: contactnorth.ca
United for Literacy - Adult Learning
We are a literacy and basic skills program for adults in Schreiber, Terrace Bay, Marathon, Nipigon and surrounding communities. We can help you learn the skills needed to find a job, further your education, read or write more independently, or improve your computer skills. You can learn at your own pace with support from our instructors.
United for Literacy – Adult Learning
9 Selkirk Avenue | Box 727
Terrace Bay, Ontario | P0T 2W0
Contact: Jill McRae
Phone: 807-823-0948
Website: unitedforliteracy.ca