North Shore LNG Project

The Corporation of the Town of Marathon, Township of Manitouwadge, Township of Schreiber, Township of Terrace Bay and the Municipality of Wawa have agreed to form a new natural gas distribution company to distribute natural gas in their respective municipalities. The natural gas delivery system in each municipality will be supplied by liquefied natural gas that will be transported to each municipality and delivered to customers using the distribution facilities proposed in this application.

The Corporation of the Town of Marathon has applied to the Ontario Energy Board for approval to construct a total of 116.5 kilometres of natural gas pipelines in the Town of Marathon, Township of Manitouwadge, Township of Schreiber, Township of Terrace Bay and Municipality of Wawa.

Please visit the webpage for more information on the project.  The documents are also accessible for public viewing at the Terrace Bay Municipal Offices (Clerk’s Office) during regular business hours, Monday to Friday.