
Terrace Bay Cemetery

Whether you’re planning ahead, need support during a difficult time, or have any questions about our cemetery and columbarium, feel free to reach out to the Township at:

Rebecca Howes
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 807-825-3315 x 7103
Send Email


Burial LotPrice
Burial Lot$258
Care and Maintenance$258
Burial - Opening and ClosingPrice
Monday - Friday$927
Saturday - Sunday$1391
Infant Burial - Opening and ClosingPrice
Monday - Friday$310
Saturday - Sunday (x1.5)$465
Holidays (x2)$620

November 16 – April 30

Burial - Opening and ClosingPrice
Monday - Friday$1854
Saturday - Sunday$2781
Infant Burial - Opening and ClosingPrice
Monday - Friday$620
Saturday - Sunday (x1.5)$930
Holidays (x2)$1240

May 1 – November 15 ONLY

Cremation (Burial)Price
Monday - Friday$206
Saturday - Sunday$309
Markers - Care & MaintenancePrice
Flat, Less Than 439.42 sq. cm (173 sq. in)No Charge
Flat, 439.42 sq. cm (173 sq. in) or Greater$52
Upright, 120 cm (48 in) or Less in Height and 120 cm
(48 in) in Length, Including the Base
Upright, More Than 120 cm (48 in) in Either Height
or Length, Including the Base

One Interment

Columbarium NichesPrice
Any Row$720
Second Interment$155
Columbariam Care and Maintenance Fund (15%)$180

NOTE: Each niche is classified as a double and will hold two cremated remains. Above prices include purchase of the double niche and one interment. Combined measurement of the two urns must not exceed 11-1/2 inches.

Opening and ClosingPrice
Monday - Friday$155
Saturday - Sunday$233

Memorial benches are available for lifetime purchase at $750 or a 10 year sponsorship at $500. The plaque and engraving are included in the price—a tax receipt will be issued.

To purchase a bench, please feel free to contact the Township at: