By-Laws and Policies

Terrace Bay By-Laws and Policies

By-Law Information

Most of the Township’s by-laws passed since 2011 can be found online within our CivicWeb Portal / Document Center.

Older by-laws and certified true copies of any existing by-law can be obtained from the Municipal Clerk’s office at (807) 825-3315 ext. 7103 (Rebecca Howes, Administrative Assistant) or 7108 (Jon Hall, CAO), during regular business hours. All records are subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

From time to time, specific by-law information or updates may be posted below.


In response to the Province amending the Highway Traffic Act, the Township of Terrace Bay first passed a by-law governing the use of Off-Road Vehicles (ORV) on Township streets in 2010, Bylaw 38-2010. That by-law was rescinded in 2015 with the passage of By-law 31-2015, Being A By-law Regulate The Use of Off-Road Vehicles (ORVs) On Municipal Highways. This is the current ORV by-law in Terrace Bay, with the following amendments:

Off-Road Vehicle Rules

Where should ORVs be driven on-road?

  • Along the shoulder of the roadway in the same direction of traffic.
  • If the shoulder is obstructed or if there is no shoulder, ride as close to the right of the road as possible.

When can I ride?

  • Off-road vehicles shall only be operated on highways from the hours of 7:00am (0700h) to 11:00pm (2300h) on any day.
  • Operation and use of off-road vehicles must be in accordance with Bylaw 369 (commonly known as the Noise Control By-law).

Who can ride?

  • Only those with a minimum G2 or M2 licence may operate an ORV on highways and municipal roads where permitted.
  • Graduated Licensing System requirements apply to young and novice drivers when driving on-road.
  • Children under the age of eight (8) are not permitted as passengers on an ORV that is operating on-road.

Where can I ride?

  • You CAN ride on Terrace Bay streets and roads with noted exceptions below
  • You CAN ride on established trail systems
  • You CAN ride on Highway 17 within the Township boundaries of Terrace Bay
  • You CANNOT ride on any Private Property unless you have permission of the owner
  • You CANNOT ride on the street known as SIMCOE PLAZA
  • You CANNOT ride on any SIDEWALK within the Township of Terrace Bay
  • You CANNOT ride off-road motorcycles (ORM) commonly known as dirt bikes; and, extreme terrain vehicles(XTV), which are semi-amphibious vehicles with six or more wheels on any municipal highway or roads.

Fines for Violations

By-Law No. 31-2015OffenceFine
Unlawfully operate off-road vehicle that
fails to meet equipment or operational
Section 4.1$85.00
Operate an off-road vehicle on private
property without consent of owner.
Section 4.4 (a)$55.00
Operate an off-road vehicle on other than
established trail system.
Section 4.4 (b)$55.00
Operate an off-road vehicle on municipal
Section 4.4 (c)$55.00
Operate an off-road vehicle on Simcoe
Plaza Roadway.
Section 4.4 (d)$55.00
Operate an off-road vehicle during
prohibited hours.
Section 4.5$55.00

2020 Legislation Updates

Effective July 1, 2020, the province expanded the types of ORV’s that could be permitted on-road to two new additional types: off-road motorcycles (ORM) commonly known as dirt bikes; and, extreme terrain vehicles(XTV), which are semi-amphibious vehicles with six or more wheels. Additional types of ORVs can be permitted on municipal roads and provincial roadways where local municipalities create new or amend by-laws to enable their use.

Existing ORV by-laws currently granting access will not automatically permit new types; a new by-law will need to be passed after July 1, 2020. Vehicles permitted on any municipal road where a by-law is created to enable their use will continue to be permitted.


For more information on the Off-Road Vehicles Bylaw please contact:

Jonathan Hall, CAO/Clerk
Phone: 807-825-3315 x 7108
Send Email

Official Plan

The Terrace Bay Official Plan is intended to set out comprehensive policies, objectives, and programs that will guide decision making related to physical change within the Township during the twenty (20) year lifespan of the plan, and;

  • Provide for the general health, safety and welfare of present and future residents;
  • Enhance and encourage economic development that complements, diversifies, and grows the current economic base of the community and the surrounding area;
  • Increase the available housing supply to meet the needs of all income groups;
  • Co-ordinate and guide development in balance with available resources and generally accepted good planning concepts and principles;
  • Encourage the actions of private interests and senior levels of government to target and implement similar objectives;
  • Protect the natural environment;
  • Provide an open, transparent, and fair public framework within which municipal planning decisions are considered and decided;
  • Establish and facilitate a clear, easily understood and responsive municipal planning program;
  • Develop a strong community in which the focus of growth is directed toward the serviced Urban Settlement Area in a way that efficiently uses land;
  • Develop the town center as an attractive public meeting place and as the heart of retail commercial activity in the community;
  • Protect sensitive land uses from incompatible development;
  • Maintain the rural character and attributes of the Township that lie outside of the Urban Settlement Area;
  • Provide opportunities for and to protect natural resource extraction activities from uses which would preclude or hinder the continuation of extraction activities;
  • Optimize the use of infrastructure in planning for growth and development;
  • Highlight economic development initiatives that are planned or underway;
  • Provide measures for conservation, particularly through water and waste management and recycling.

Terrace Bay Zoning By-Law

It is intended that this By-law set out appropriate zones describing desired and permitted uses of land and establishing minimum standards and requirements for such zones and the related uses in order to promote and achieve the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the current and future inhabitants of the Township.


Planning Applications and Fees

The fee for processing the following planning applications shall be an amount equal to the amount incurred by the Municipality. Costs incurred by the municipality or committee of adjustment shall include but not be limited to planner’s fees, engineering fees, legal fees, registration fees, technical peer review, Local Planning Appeal Tribunal fees, and internal administration fees. Notwithstanding the above, a deposit toward such fees in the amount shown shall accompany each application:

Application TypeFee
Official Plan Amendment$2,000 - minor
$3,000 - major
Zoning Bylaw Amendment$1,800
Minor Variance$900
Plan of Subdivision$2,500 up to 10 lots
$4,500 up to 20 lots
$6,500 more than 20 lots
Part-Lot Control, Deeming By-Law,
Validation of Title
Site Plan Control Agreement$1,500 - minor
$2,000 - major


For any planning or zoning questions or concerns, please contact:

Jonathan Hall, CAO/Clerk
Phone: 807-825-3315 x 7108
Send Email

Online By-Law Complaint Form

Complete the form below and hit submit when you’re done.

Offense Information

Location of Offense (Actual Address)(Required)
Is the Offender the Owner or Tenant?
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Personal Information

Your Name(Required)
To the greatest extent possible, anonymity will be maintained between the complainant and the alleged offender, except where necessary in a court of law. Should this matter proceed to court, you may be required to give evidence as a witness and your name and filed complaint will become public information. By signing or checking the box below you are acknowledging that you understand.

By-Law Infractions

For any municipal By-Law infractions, contact the Municipal Office during business hours or contact the O.P.P. at 1 (888) 310-1122