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Tenders & RFPs

RFP – Aguasabon Golf Course Irrigation System Enhancement Project

The Township of Terrace Bay invites proposals from qualified proponents for engineering, and project management services for the Aguasabon Golf Course Irrigation System Enhancement Project.

RFP - Township of Terrace Bay - AGC Irrigation System Engineering & PM Services

Proposal Closing Date and Time:  August 19, 2024 at 1:00pm., local time

Proposals are to be emailed to:

Or delivered to:
The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay
Luke Bedard, Community Development Supervisor
1 Selkirk Avenue, P.O. Box 40, Terrace Bay, ON  P0T 2W0

RFP: Wayfinding Project

The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay (Township of Terrace Bay) requires a firm or individual to complete the fabrication and installation of multiple wayfinding signs as part of our envisioned Wayfinding Project.

The Township has already identified which wayfinding signs they would like to address. With a desire to use the existing structures and maintain aesthetic continuity with the 2018-2021 community wayfinding updates, the Township of Terrace Bay has already had the tender ready design drawings completed in preparation for the fabrication and installation of this project.

Request for Proposal Link: RFP Terrace Bay Wayfinding

Proposal Closing Date and Time - Wednesday July 24th, 2024 at 4:00pm, local time

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RFP – Strategic Plan

The Township of Terrace Bay is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to develop a 5-year strategic plan (“the Plan”) that will allow the Township of Terrace Bay (Township) to strategically manage community priorities. The plan will create a short- medium and long-term community priorities that will focus on economic, employment and community development. The Plan will assist decision making based on facility status, community needs, regional context, and financial considerations.

RFP - Township of Terrace Bay - Strategic Plan

Proposal Closing Date and Time - June 28, 2024 at 1:00pm., local time

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RFP Terrace Bay Website

The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay (Township of Terrace Bay) requires a firm or individual to complete the development and modernization of our envisioned Township (Community) Website. The website ( functions as a community website, serving as a central hub for residents and businesses to access important information, engage with local initiatives and foster a sense of belonging and connectivity within the community.

A new Visit Terrace Bay website ( was launched in January 2024. It’s specifically catered to visitors and tourists by highlighting our local businesses and events. Therefore these sections are expected to be removed from the Community Website ( and directed to the Tourism Website (

Request for Proposal Link: RFP Terrace Bay Website

Proposal Closing Date and Time - Friday June 21st, 2024 at 1:00pm, local time

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RFQ – Asphalt Paving

The Township or Terrace Bay is requesting pricing for the following:

Asphalt preparation and paving at various locations throughout the Municipality. Currently we have a total of 640M3 that requires paving at five separate locations around town. There is the potential for additional paving based on unforeseen repairs throughout the Summer Months. Ideally, paving would take place in September but the Municipality is flexible on this. Each location will be saw cut and old asphalt removed. Contractor will be required to grade and pave.

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RFP – Diesel Generator

The Township of Terrace Bay is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to supply and deliver one (1) new diesel-powered generator.

RFP - Township of Terrace Bay - Backup Generator

Proposal Closing Date and Time - Thursday May 17, 2024 at 1:00pm., local time

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RFP – Brine Header Modification

The Township of Terrace Bay (the Owner) invites proposals for brine header modification(s) at the Terrace Bay Memorial Arena.
RFP - Township of Terrace Bay - Brine Header

Proposal Closing Date and Time:  April 19, 2024 at 1:00pm., local time

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RFP – Terrace Bay GHG Reduction Feasibility Study

The Township of Terrace Bay is seeking a GHG reduction feasibility study for four municipal buildings. This report will focus on identifying cost-effective and practical measures to reduce GHG emissions, assessing the potential environmental and economic benefits of implementing these measures, and creating a roadmap for the implementation of recommended strategies. This report will not only allow for Terrace Bay to enhance its long-term sustainability by reducing operating costs but will enhance infrastructure’s climate change resiliency and provide evidence-based reasoning for transitioning into a greener community. With the support of this report, Township Administrators will be able to apply for green-initiative capital funding to accelerate Terrace Bay’s progression into a more sustainable Township.

RFP - Township of Terrace Bay - GHG Reduction Pathway

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RFP – Two (2) New Half Ton Trucks

The Township of Terrace Bay is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to supply and deliver two (2) new half ton trucks.
RFP - 2 New Half Ton Trucks

Proposal Closing Date and Time: 
Thursday April 18, 2024 at 1:00pm., local time

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RFP – Electric Ice Resurfacer

The Township of Terrace Bay is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to supply and deliver one (1) new Electric Powered Ice Resurfacer.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Electric Ice Resurfacer

Proposal Closing Date and Time - Thursday April 11, 2024 at 1:00pm., local time

Proposals are to be Delivered to:

The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay
Luke Bedard - Community Development Supervisor
1 Selkirk Avenue, P.O. Box 40, Terrace Bay, ON  P0T 2W0

Electronic copies will be accepted, email