Upcoming Courses
Residents Recreation Services Upcoming CoursesThe following courses are being offered in our community. For more information or to register contact the Recreation Office at 825-3315 ext.7102 or email to recreation@terracebay.ca
Upcoming Courses:
Registration Policy
- Full payment must be received with registration
- No Names without payment – unless specified.
- All registrations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.
- Late registrations will be accepted provided there is space available in the course.
- No taxes on children participating in courses under the age of 16 years only.
- Seniors (65 & older) will receive 25% discount on all programs.
Refund Policy
Refunds/credits for Township sponsored recreation services/programs will be honoured, pro-rated against time remaining on the guaranteed terms, for the following reasons only:
- Medical certificate for inability to pursue the activity/program.
- Inability of the Township to provide program/service for stated terms.
- Confirmation, in writing, that the individual(s) has been transferred or are moving out of town.
- A $15 cancellation fee will be charged for all other refund requests. The only exception is moving out of town or under doctor’s care.